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If you live in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, you are surrounded by beautiful trees, parks, and lakes. However, the beauty of your surroundings should not stop at your doorstep. Your home’s landscaping is the first thing your visitors see, and it can make a big impression. Here’s how you can improve your landscaping in Bloomfield Hills:

1. Plan your landscaping
Before you start buying plants and digging up the ground, take the time to plan your landscaping. Consider the size of your yard, the amount of sunlight it gets, and the type of soil. Think about what kind of plants you want to grow, and how they will complement each other. Create a sketch or a list of the plants you want to include in your landscaping. This will help you stay organized and make sure you don’t forget anything.

2. Add color to your landscaping
Bloomfield Hills is known for its beautiful fall colors, but you can add color to your yard all year round. Choose plants that bloom at different times of the year, so you always have something in bloom. Consider adding colorful annuals like pansies, impatiens, and marigolds to your landscaping. These plants are easy to care for and will brighten up your yard.

3. Invest in hardscaping
Hardscaping is the term used to describe non-plant elements in landscaping, like paths, patios, and retaining walls. Investing in hardscaping can add value to your home and make your outdoor living space more functional. Consider adding a patio or a deck where you can entertain guests or enjoy a meal outside. A retaining wall can add depth and texture to your yard, while also preventing soil erosion.

4. Hire a professional landscaper
If you’re not sure where to start, or if you want to take your landscaping to the next level, consider hiring a professional landscaper. A landscaper can help you design your landscaping, choose plants that will thrive in your yard, and handle the installation. They can also offer advice on how to care for your landscape to ensure it stays healthy and beautiful.

5. Add lighting
Adding lighting to your landscaping can not only make it look beautiful at night, but it can also add to the safety of your home. Consider adding solar-powered or low-voltage lighting along paths, around trees and plants, and in other strategic areas. This will not only highlight the beauty of your landscaping but also keep your home safe and secure.

6. Maintain your landscaping
Once you’ve invested time and money into your landscaping, it’s important to maintain it. This includes regular watering, pruning, and weeding, as well as fertilizing and pest control. A well-maintained landscape will not only look beautiful but will also be healthy and thrive, adding even more value to your home.

In conclusion, improving your landscaping in Bloomfield Hills can be a fun and rewarding project. With careful planning, the right plants, and the right hardscaping elements, you can create a beautiful and functional outdoor living space. Whether you decide to do it yourself or hire a professional, remember to maintain your landscape properly to ensure it stays healthy and vibrant for years to come.

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